Leo Caillard – Vanité Hercule

Picture of a marble sculpture by French artist Léo Caillard
Sculpture de Léo Caillard en marbre blanc de 50cm de haut, figurant une vanité sur le personnage de Hercule

Léo Caillard is a French artist born in 1985 and known for his
creations blending classical and contemporary references.
He comes from a new generation of artists influenced by the
overwhelming presence of digital technology and media, and
the derived considerations.
Léo Caillard plays with the notion of time and anachronism.
Deeply influenced by classical art, he confronts our ancient
references to our contemporary society and proposes a
reflection on the relation between past and future.
By bringing different eras together, he invites the observer to
rethink his past references and question our society.
His purpose is always the same: to surprise, to catch our
attention with his intriguing creations. This is far from
being a game, as the reflection on the role of art and the
representation of society is present at every step of his

La Galerie Montmartre

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